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RECETA: Helado vegano de Mantequilla de Almendras y Coco

Ya chiquill@s se quieren lucir para estos días de vacaciones, feriados y celebraciones? Con este HELADO VEGANO con Mantequilla de Almendras y coco quedarás como 👑 y nadie podrá resistirse!!

- 1 taza de coco laminado
- 2 latas de crema de coco (opción no vegana 400ml de crema de leche)
- 1 tarro de leche condensada de coco (o normal)
- 1 frasco de mantequilla Coco Almendra @SmartSnack.cl (200g)
- 1 cda esencia de vainilla

Ganache chocolate:
- 100ml crema de coco (o crema de leche)
- 100g chocolate amargo

1. La noche anterior, deja la crema en el refrigerador para que se enfríe. Si haces la opción vegana, procura que el líquido se separe bien de la crema, ya que ésta es la parte que vamos a usar.
2. Calienta el horno a 200ºC y en una bandeja para horno esparce el coco laminado. Hornea
Luego en una procesadora tritura un par de segundos el coco para que quede más fino.
3. Añade a un bowl 400ml de crema y con una batidora revuelve a máxima velocidad hasta que la crema aumente su volumen y se vea un poco más rígida y espumosa.
4. En una procesadora o robot de cocina mezcla la leche condensada, mantequilla de almendra y la vainilla. Luego saca media taza de la crema batida e incorpórala a esta mezcla. De esta manera ambas mezclas se van a unir más fácilmente en el siguiente paso.
5. Con una espátula, incorpora la mezcla a la crema batida con movimientos envolventes. Finalmente agrega el coco picado.
6. Por último, para hacer el ganache calienta en una cacerola la crema de leche a fuego bajo revolviendo hasta que se empiecen a formar burbujas. En ese momento agrega el chocolate y revuelve rápido para que se derrita y disuelva en la crema. Deja reposar hasta que se enfríe un poco.
Para armar el helado:
7. En un molde metálico (yo usé uno para pan) añade la mitad de la mezcla y luego esparce la mitad del ganache de chocolate.
8. Finalmente repite el paso anterior: pon la otra mitad del helado, luego el ganache.
9. Déjalo en el freezer por 8 horas o hasta que esté congelado.
**Sugerencia: Retira del refrigerador unos 10 minutos antes de servir para que no esté tan duro.

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  • Civil War is a 2024 dystopian film written and directed by Alex Garland. It follows a team of journalists traveling across the United States during a civil war fought between an authoritarian federal government and several regional factions. The cast includes Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Cailee Spaeny, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Sonoya Mizuno, and Nick Offerman.

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    Principal photography began in Atlanta, Georgia in 2022, with production moving to London later in the year. Civil War premiered at South by Southwest on March 14, 2024, and was wide theatrically released in the United States by A24 and in the United Kingdom by Entertainment Film Distributors on April 12, 2024. With a budget of $50 million, Civil War is A24’s most expensive film to date. To date, it has grossed over $106 million worldwide, becoming A24’s second highest-grossing film. It received positive reviews from critics.

    A civil war has erupted between the United States government and regional factions. The president, in his third term, claims victory is close at hand. Renowned war photographer Lee Smith saves aspiring photojournalist Jessie Cullen from a suicide bombing in Brooklyn.

    Lee and colleague Joel intend to travel to Washington, D.C., to interview the president before the city falls. Lee’s mentor Sammy asks to accompany them as far as Charlottesville, where the Western Forces (“WF”) of Texas and California are assembling. Despite Lee’s hesitance, she and Joel agree. Lee is unaware that Jessie convinces Joel to take her with them.

    After departing the city, the group stops at a rural gas station protected by armed men, and buys gas with Canadian dollars, as the US dollar has crashed. Jessie wanders off to a nearby car wash, where she finds two men being tortured by the owners, who claim that the men are looters. One owner follows Jessie, but Lee defuses the situation by taking a photo of the man posing with his victims. After they leave, Jessie berates herself for being too scared to take photos.

    Following an overnight stop near ongoing fighting, the group documents the combat the next day as militiamen assault a building held by loyalists. Lee sees Jessie’s potential as a war photographer, while Jessie photographs the militia executing captured loyalist soldiers. Continuing, the group spends the night at a refugee camp before passing through a small town where, under watchful guard, residents attempt to live in blissful ignorance. Lee and Jessie grow closer, trying on clothes at a local shop.

    Later, they are pinned down in a sniper battle amid the remains of a Christmas fair. Nearby snipers mock Joel’s questioning what side they are on, telling Joel that they and the sniper in a nearby house are simply trying to survive. Jessie’s nerve and photography skills improve as she witnesses several deaths, and develops a mentorship under Lee. Jessie asks if Lee would photograph Jessie being killed, and Lee responds “What do you think?”.

    While driving, the four encounter two other reporters they know, Tony and Bohai. Tony and Jessie playfully switch vehicles, only for Bohai and Jessie to be captured by loyalist death squads dumping civilian corpses in a mass grave. The group tries to intervene, but a militant kills Bohai and asks where the others are from, killing Tony when he says Hong Kong. Sammy saves the group by running over two of the militants, but is shot by a third and dies as they flee.

    Arriving at the WF Charlottesville military camp, the group grieves. Lee takes a photo of Sammy’s corpse but deletes it shortly after. Joel gets drunk and becomes hysterical. Jessie explores the campsite. Two fellow reporters report that the government’s top generals have mostly surrendered, leaving Washington largely unprotected, and a Western invasion is imminent. They follow the WF into Washington as Jessie’s photography becomes increasingly risky. Meanwhile, Lee has a brief post-traumatic stress disorder episode and is unable to take pictures.

    The presidential limousine unsuccessfully attempts to flee the White House, but when the limousine crashes, Lee intuits that the president is still in the building and leads her group inside. A WF squad follows and faces off with the remaining Secret Service, killing one in the pressroom, who unsuccessfully tries to negotiate the president’s safe passage to Greenland or Alaska. When Jessie exposes herself to gunfire to photograph the ensuing West Wing gunfight, Lee pushes her to safety. Jessie photographs Lee as she is shot dead in the crossfire.

    The Western soldiers capture the president in the Oval Office. Joel tells them to wait so he can get a quote. The disheveled president begs him for mercy, saying, “Don’t let them kill me”. Joel replies, “Yeah. That’ll do.” Jessie takes a photo of the president’s summary execution; smiling WF soldiers pose with his corpse.

    New updated link

    Watch Here – https://www.latestnest.xyz/civil-war-2024

    Download Here – https://www.latestnest.xyz/civil-war-2024

    Amelia en
  • 1. La noche anterior, coloca la crema en el refrigerador para que se enfríe. Si optas por la versión vegana, asegúrate de que el líquido se separe bien de la crema, ya que esta última es la que utilizaremos.
    2. Precalienta el horno a 200°C y esparce el coco laminado en una bandeja para hornear. Hornea hasta que esté ligeramente dorado. Luego, tritura el coco en una procesadora durante unos segundos para obtener una textura más fina.
    3. Vierte 400 ml de crema en un bol y bate a máxima velocidad con una batidora hasta que la crema aumente su volumen y adquiera una consistencia más firme y espumosa.

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